Innovation Sustainability

Save Water Through Hydroponic Farming

Hydroponic Vertical Farming is changing the produce supply chain

Covid-19 pandemic forced us to change and find solutions

In the face of these challenges, organizations, governments, and individuals were compelled to reevaluate their strategies, pushing the boundaries of innovation. ES-KO proudly stood resilient, making significant strides on its journey towards becoming a more responsible, inclusive, diverse, innovative, and sustainable business. Now, as we set our sights on 2023, we’re excited to unveil our latest venture – an initiative that not only embraces sustainability but propels us into the realm of cutting-edge agriculture : hydroponic farming.

Hydroponic Farming: Nurturing Innovation in South Sudan

ES-KO is all set to invest in hydroponic farming in South Sudan, a project designed to revolutionize the way we grow crops. This isn’t just about farming. It’s a testament to our commitment to sustainability and social responsibility in the communities we operate in.

Our hydroponic farming project is a technological marvel, unlocking vast opportunities that promise a reduction in the depletion of the planet’s limited resources. Picture this – a single indoor 30 by 80 ft facility, utilizing the vertical growing concept, capable of producing approximately 800 kg of okra, 4200 kg of cucumbers, and 10,000 kg of green peppers. This isn’t just about numbers. It’s about creating a future where we can cultivate high-value crops efficiently and sustainably.

The benefits of our hydroponic farming venture extend far beyond the impressive yield. Say goodbye to long supply chains and welcome fresher produce with minimal waste. Reduced carbon footprint, elimination of pesticides, and a significant cut in water usage are just a few of the environmental perks.

Our project in South Sudan is more than a farm. It’s a beacon of sustainability and capacity building. By harnessing smart farming practices, we aim to sustain the resilience of quality Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (FFV) supply to our customers while empowering the local community. This isn’t just about reducing imports; it’s about fostering local talent and inspiring the youth to engage in transformative projects.

Hydropinic Farming : a Revolution

ES-KO’s hydroponic farming isn’t just a solution; it’s a revolution. In a controlled environment where soil takes a back seat, crops like peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, parsley, and okra flourish without the need for pesticides or herbicides. Our goal? To provide locally grown, fresh organic vegetables to our customers, setting a new standard for quality. As we evaluate the costs and engage with regional suppliers and experts, we are taking a step closer to making this initiative a reality. Our Juba camp will be the testing ground, in collaboration with our customers, as we explore opportunities to expand within the South Sudanese economy.

ES-KO doesn’t just believe in innovation; we embody it. This initiative isn’t just an investment: it’s a statement and a commitment to overcoming FFV supply chain challenges in a sustainable manner, while leaving a positive environmental footprint. Get ready for a journey of innovation and growth as we embark on a project that promises not just crops, but a sustainable future. This is more than an investment; it’s the future of farming with ES-KO leading the way.

Discover more sustainable initiative here

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